Running club for the LGBTQ community and allies of DFW. For more information on the support group and how to join, please send an email to Weekly: Frontrunners Resource Center’s THRIVE Monday Support Group for LGBTQ adults 50 and older meets virtually and is led by interns from the SMU counseling program. For information email Clyde Hemminger at Every Monday: THRIVE The meetings are held alternately on Saturdays at 10 a.m. Hope Cottage holds information meetings for those interested in becoming foster parents. Biweekly: Hope Cottage Foster Parent Information Meeting.The Gay Agenda is now color-coded: Red for community events blue for arts and entertainment purple for sports green for nightlife and orange for civic events and holidays. Have an event coming up? Email your information to Managing Editor Tammye Nash at or Senior Staff Writer David Taffet at by Wednesday at 5 p.m.